Rail Portfolio Project - Summer Camp Helper

Posted by Chris Ashman on June 29, 2020

Summer Camp for site leaders and camp counselors is fun because you get create various games and activities for both the kids at your camp and your staff to enjoy, but sometimes when creating actvities your mind goes blank and you cannot think of new ideas so spend your time scrolling on the internet looking for something new to play with the kids. Well I am here to show and explain to you, the Summer Camp Helper. As a supervisor of camps myself, I always find it hard to think of, explain, and look for an activity that the kids will enjoy. My Rails Portfolio Project, Summer Camp Helper, talks away that frustration of searching. Site Leaders and camp counselors sign up and login into this web application using name, email, age, and a password which then directs to your homepage. If you are admin you are able to add camps as well as add activites for your camp counselors to rate on. Users can add name, description and rate on said activity that can be shared with anyone who views the activity show page.

Users have the ability to rate an activity from one to five depending how fun it was. They can also leave comments. Admins have the able to delete activites, but users can edit their posts. The goal of this web appplication is to create and share ideas between other camps counselors, site leaders, and even managers since everyone can be on the same page. Everybody can collaborate on ideas and pave a way for new activities.The project uses multiple controllers all working together to make the web app workingg. The project was not hard to think because for the summer I work part-time as a came supervisor as I mentioned before, but due to Covid-19 that did not happen and I was left to figure out if i wanted to continue with that idea or not. I stuck with it because if it can’t be used now then it will be good in the future.

The project was ardous, I understood everything I was typing trying to practice live coding by recording speaking to my mom. I was troubleshooting errors, doing research the whole 9 yards. I think this project is good of summer camp employees to use for the reasons I mentioned above, it will be a good project to see fleshed out and working on a website.