Pokemon Database CLI

Posted by Chris Ashman on March 9, 2020

Ruby as a programming language is new experience for me a, and making a Ruby CLI was something I thought I would ever do. In the beginning this project was a struggle, I was brainstorming different CLI’s to make for this project I was asking my friends, writing down notes, making webs until someone gave me the idea to make a pokedex. I love my pokemon so hearing this idea made a light bulb appear and I immediately got to work on the CLI. I wanted to the scraper way instead of the api since I already knew how to use HTML and CSS. During the process of making this pokedex, I wanted to have my pokedex to showcase the pokemon number, name, abilities, species, type, height, and weight; things that you would see in the pokedex if a person was playing a pokemon game. I chose this site since other than serebii and bulbapedia, the pokemondb site is frequently updated with all the latest information about pokemon. As I got to the end of the project, I came across a whole slew of error, it was heartbreaking since it was just error after error. When I finally completed the the CLI I shouted, “I am done!,” I was excited to see it work with some hiccups such as some Pokemon not working for because of special characters. In the end, it was fun to make the pokedex since I creating a program that create get all pokemon from 1 to 890 with all of their information! The process was hard, but utilizing what I learned in Object Oriented Ruby and learning about Nokogiri and Open-uri really made the process easier and much more understandable. I would to make another CLI like this again in the future utilizing my HTML/CSS experience and my newfound knowledge of Ruby. It was a good final project that gave me execitement for future projects.

Walkthrough Video Github Repository for the Pokemon Database