Out of the Pan and Onto the Rails

Posted by Chris Ashman on May 18, 2020

After finishing my Sinatra project, I jump into Ruby on Rails on my path to becoming a web developer. I am honestly very nervous and excited at the same time, but more so nervous. When I say there is a ton of information to take in I am not lying from ActiveRecord, to helpers and orms, to the rake database, frameworks, and MVC knowledge and the list goes on. It also hasn’t been without its hairpulling errors and stress days. Although even with all the down sides and stress I was having I will still keep moving forward and making progress to my goals like trains on “rails”. I am having a jumble of emotions during these uncertain times, but looking back on the progress that I am making each and every day makes me think that I can keep working hard toward the goals that I have set for my self and the knowledge that I am gaining. Learning Ruby, Sinatra, and Rails is something worthwhile becuase I am understanding the content that learning (I like to think of it as a factory”) as well as increasing my skills. I believe that by the end of this course I will be one step forward on my way to becoming a better with web development and hopefully maybe so web design, but that’s one step at a time.