Coding During Lockdown

Posted by Chris Ashman on April 10, 2020

Covid-19 also known as the coronavirus changed my entire lifestyle. Before the pandemic, I used to go to work, have some fun with my friends, then do some studying at work, and I would repeat that everyday. Although, now that I have been stuck inside for about a month my whole lifestyle changed. I have been doing a lot of more coding to understand Ruby, ActiveRecords, and even the lesson I am doing now, Sinatra. My entire schedule, I used to wait until work to do my labs now I have now created a new schedule where I get up early and do my readings and labs. The point is the coronavirus changed how I do my work and essential how I lived it has become the norm not to go outside and relax but moreso understand the frameworks and languages to understand databases and web apps to further propel myself into the future.

In this time of lockdown, I have learned about the Object Relational Mapping which is Ruby accessing a relational database to map or manage them. From creating tables to selecting objects and managing the data with them, it has been an awe-inspiring experience to learn about ORM and ActiveRecords. While yes, it does not look like much, but I have been able to understand more coding because of less distractions and the more time I have been able to work.

I am very grateful for all the people working in the medical field that are helping to combat this virus. It just amazes how much one virus change can an entire person living and mindset into what it has done for me. It has taken away my social life, but has given me more knowledge of the topics that will help later in the future. I hope that I will be able to learn even more during this time of lockdown