Road to Software Engineering

Technology's Open Road

React/Redux Final Project -Oracle Library

I can’t believe that this is almost the end. My last project will be a culmination of the code, framework, terminology, and different programming languages I learned up to now.

JS, Ruby, and Live Coding

Javascript is hard and at the same time it is fun. It shares a lot of qualities with Ruby in coding such as class and instance methods in Ruby and Javascript’s version of class and instances and the static method. Today I had my Javascript assessment in this course and did some live coding, and while the live coding was very intuitive as well as gave me a better understanding of Javascript. It allowed me the chance to write this blog post that I put off before and after some writer’s block. Live coding is helpful because it helps flesh out what you are talking about in code. It is one of the trickiest things on the spot, and it’s a hard mountain to climb over but when you do you feel great.

Javascript and Rails: Universal Catalog

Everyone in the world has to make decisions, whether its choosing a movie, picking out the right clothes for an event, picking players for a team, the list goes on. We become indecisive, can not make choices, and we become stuck in a neverending world of not deciding on the simple things until now. For my javascript/rails project, I have created a Universal Catalog. It is a catalog that can be used to hold anything: movies, foods, television shows, furniture you name it. As the example for the project I am doing food, but you can add anything. This project encompasses what I have learned about Javascript in the past weeks and Rails from a while ago.

Rail Portfolio Project - Summer Camp Helper

Summer Camp for site leaders and camp counselors is fun because you get create various games and activities for both the kids at your camp and your staff to enjoy, but sometimes when creating actvities your mind goes blank and you cannot think of new ideas so spend your time scrolling on the internet looking for something new to play with the kids. Well I am here to show and explain to you, the Summer Camp Helper. As a supervisor of camps myself, I always find it hard to think of, explain, and look for an activity that the kids will enjoy. My Rails Portfolio Project, Summer Camp Helper, talks away that frustration of searching. Site Leaders and camp counselors sign up and login into this web application using name, email, age, and a password which then directs to your homepage. If you are admin you are able to add camps as well as add activites for your camp counselors to rate on. Users can add name, description and rate on said activity that can be shared with anyone who views the activity show page.

Journey Through Rails

My journey of learning rails was both a refresher and a gateway into something new. Rails is an web-application framework that gives us everything to create database backed web apps. On my journey, I was able to learn about the CRUD and how we utilize it to render out our views similar to how we did it in Sinatra, but so much easier. Rails magic makes controlling the database so much easier to work with since there only six things you have to worry about when creating your web app. These are controllers, helpers, models, views, routes and the database. Each of these components and the code we put into it, play a huge part in making web apps. When learning about the Lifecycle, ActiveRecord Associations, and even some easy validations increase made me aware of things things Software Engineers do to keep web applications running.